5 Backyard Landscaping Ideas in New Richmond

Are you taking advantage of your backyard? Outdoor areas present a unique opportunity to create versatile spaces; the same quiet corner where you indulge in a good book can accommodate guests and lively conversation.

Most importantly, your backyard can reflect your personality and fulfill your specific needs. The right landscaping can transform your property from boring to truly luxurious. Here at All Exteriors LLC in New Richmond, we believe everyone should enjoy a yard designed for all occasions. Not sure which elements suit your style? Take a look at these five landscape design ideas to spark your creativity.

1. Artful Vine-Covered Pergola

If your dream landscaping includes winding, draping vines, you should consider a vine-covered pergola. This innovative design takes advantage of vertical space that often goes unused. The result is lush shade reminiscent of hanging gardens.

When creating this fixture, it’s essential that you give careful thought to the type of pergola you want, as the vine arrangement depends on the pergola structure. If you don’t mind an open-roof option, you can have vines hanging directly over a seating space, creating a dappled effect.

2. Outdoor Deck Dining Service

When the weather’s nice, why limit your cooking to the kitchen? With a custom deck, you can have everything you need to create a delicious dinner right in your backyard.

A sturdy wood or concrete deck should support a grill, allowing you to serve piping-hot burgers and hot dogs to family or guests. You can even have a small cooler or mini-fridge nearby to keep drinks icy cold.

Decks are also ideal for dining, as you can easily place furniture without fear of uneven terrain. With accessible outdoor cooking, you may be tempted to spend every weekend in your backyard.

3. Protected Patio

One of the best investments you can make in your patio is to get a cover. Not only does a cover provide shade to loungers, but it also protects your furniture from the elements. It can be a pain to dry out cushions after every storm; a cover can prevent them from getting soaked in the first place. You can also save fabrics from fading due to sun exposure.

There are many different designs to choose from, including:

  • Patio covers can also add to your house’s décor.
  • Thomas
  • Sunlight pavilions
  • Santa Fe

4. Private Garden Pergola

Many backyard landscaping ideas are based on the assumption that you plan to host parties or regularly have guests. But what if you just want a quiet space for relaxation?

You can use pergolas to divide yard space and create a private patio area. Vines and shrubbery can act as dividers without making space feel cut-off from the rest of the yard. To visually reinforce the separation, you can have a patio installed as well.

5. High Deck for Elite Entertainment

There’s more than one way to make use of vertical space. If you have a smaller backyard, you can make the most of it with a raised, tiered deck.

The tiers allow you to clearly define different areas without erecting walls or interfering with the design flow. For example, you can have a dining area on the lower tier and lounge furniture on the higher.

Raised decks are especially great for yards with a view. If you have mountains, forests or other gorgeous landscapes within sight, you can get an even better vantage point with a little height.

Contact All Exteriors LLC Today! Your backyard has so much to offer and the experts at All Exteriors LLC can help you take full advantage of it. Whether you’re interested in adding a pergola or building a sunroom, we’re happy to assist. For more information on our services, give us a call at 715-781-1696 or contact us online.